Hi Robbie,
Okay you are not going to believe this.
I found out about these products in June and I did nothing because my candida was gone and the people I heard where trying it for that reason.
I looked into it and was going to buy some from a lady at a great price for just bathing and brushing my teeth well time went by and I bought none.
NOW are you ready for this?
Yesterday my very good friend who is the one whom muscle tests me called and asked me if I ever heard about it that the health food owner just brought it in to the store and she said we would have to talk more later as we both had to go.
I told her yes.
She said we both test very positive for this for bathing and brushing our teeth and wanted to know if I can find any info on the internet about the products and if we can purchase cheaper.
I found my info on this lady who sells it and me and my friend are going to sit down next week and talk more about it.
Apprently it is multi level but we dont care about that.
My friend in Canada was also using for awhile and was telling me how wonderful it was. I will ask her if she is still using it.
I also am interested in the lotion. I need to listen to the Lord more when he shows me things..LOL
I will keep in touch and let you know more at a later date.
Oh and it is suppose to help balance the bodies ph.