The reason I ask is I am dealing with hair loss after fasting about 2+ weeks longer than I should have.
I think
The Master Cleanse is a very good method for getting healthy (and as a side benefit... weight loss).
When I ended my fast 2 months ago, I had lost 40
pounds in 58 days.
I gained back about 7
pounds (due to the digesting food in my intestines holding water). I have not gained back any more weight.
I became very scale concious, determined to lose ALL the weight I wanted before giving up. In my overzealousness to lose weight, I ignored my body's signals that it had had enough (I had about 10 more
pounds to go). Around Day 40, my breath and
Body Odor improved dramatically, the coating on my tongue started flaking off and I really started craving good food. (My story is listed in forum # 10; My 58 day journey)
Because the
Master-Cleanse had worked so well with my health (clearing up my skin, giving me energy, and losing weight) and the routine became very easy, I thought I would just keep going until I lost all the weight I wanted.
During those extra 18 days, I developed a dull pain on my left side toward my back, which became more frequent as I continued the fast (it completely went away within 2 weeks of ending the fast).
Throughout my life, I have always had alot of thick, long hair. Before, I could barely wrap my thumb and index finger around all of it. About 2 weeks after I stopped the fast, I really started to notice alot falling out (not in spots, just all over...thinning). It is still falling out, although not as much because there is alot less on my head. I could use a child's barrett to hold my ponytail now.
I had a baby 2 years ago, and this is much more severe than after that pregnancy.
I used this forum alot during my fast, but never read anything about this at that time (probably since there aren't many people who fast beyond 30+ days). A few weeks ago, I found a post from someone who had this same problem (the reply suggested a lack of oxygen in the blood from the fasting).
My diet has vastly improved since I ended the fast: many more veggies, less meat and lots of WATER.
To rebuild my blood, I am taking supplement shakes I make with veggie powders, MSM and veggie protein. I do have new growth coming in, but it's short. (At least my grey hairs are falling out too.)
Since my skin still looks good and I feel fine, I feel this is just a last residual effect from fasting too long.
I wrote all that to mainly say this:
You are in control of your fast, but your body will warn you when you've gone long enough. I hope you can learn from my mistake of being a bit too head-strong and ingoring my body's signals.
I will do the
Master-Cleanse again, but probably only 10 days. I could just kick myself for sacrificing my hair to lose a few more pounds.
And don't be fearful of the
Master-Cleanse now that you have read of a side-effect. I made the mistake. I think the MC is a good fast that can bring excellent results.
Concerning the liver flushes, I think flushing during the MC will give great results because there is no food in your system to slow the stones (or cholesterol balls) from coming out quickly. I did 3 during my fast.
Another tip to clear out the toxins quicker and end the fast quicker is to SWEAT. I understand about being fresh smelling at work or on a date, but when you have down-time -- hit the pool, hit the sauna, run, jog and take long baths. The more water you cycle through your pores, the quicker the toxins can get out. Plus the exercise will help you lose even more fat than just sitting in an air conditioned room all day, all the time.
I hope this give you something to consider.