9-25-1976 reduces to 9-7-5 = 39/3 life lesson #
challenges: 2/2/4/0
personal year: as of last b-day until next b-day: 3
2002/3 was quite possibly a very difficult year for you. 2003/2004 is much much better. 3 years are all about self-expression, beauty, art, music, fruition - manifesting our wishes. So make very clear wishes. Say them out loud. Do a visual treasure map and place it where you see it frequently.
Since both your year vib and life lesson # are 3's, that really accentuates the 3 for you! Beware of taking on too much or making promises you cannot keep. Be sure to schedule time-outs, alone time.
Born on the 7th day makes you an enigma to your friends. You may look like a regular person, if a bit refined, but once they get to know you they are surprised by your uniqueness, awareness of interesting subjects. You tend to attract thinkers, loners, people who rely on you as a "partner in crime." ;) Beware of liars, being too gullible, or people who are into drama of some kind, as in soap operas.
Plan to travel to foreign countries at least once in your life. this would be a good year for that, or wait another 2 years and start saving money.
Be careful of any legal contracts or brushes with the law, those often happen in 3 or 4 years. Get good counseling if you have to sign on the dotted line for anything.
Hope that makes sense! :)