ooo another student! How cool! :)
11/10/1952 = 2 - 1 - 8 = 20/2 life lesson #
challenges: 1/7/6/6
current year: (last b-day to next) 8
Interesting. You've got a lot of different energies pulling you around here, could make you very balanced, ambitious, into performaing arts, or.... ? lots of directions.
Life Lesson #20/2 is a major 2, having that zero there. This makes you highly intuitive about others, so much so that you mistake their feelings for your own and need to be alone to get in touch with your own feelings accurately. Some alone time each day spent meditating and grounding is an absolute must for you to keep your blaance. Beware of caffeine and any stimulants from
Sugar to music to movies. You're just wayyyyy too sensitive.
Born on the 1st day makes you way more assertive than most 2's! In fact, you may have needed to wrok hard on tact and diplomacy, because of a tendancy to just blurt out unpleasant truths.
Most of your challenges are service and family oriented. You have issues with bad parenting leading to insecurity in primary relationships, not having solid ground, not knowing how far to go for your partner. You may do too much then back off and do too little.
8 years are years of triumph if you dot all the i's and cross all the t's. It's a money year - focus on all issues having to do with money, including career, retirement planning. IT's also a great year to get back into some kind of competitive sport.
You love to start things, are happiest during the act of creation. As long as you're living your values, feel like you're making a difference, you'll be happy.
Hope that makes sense! :)