7 - 24 - 1955 = 7-6-2 = 33/6 life lesson
challenges: 1/4/5/3
personal year: 9 as of last b-day, 1 as of this next b-day
This is a year of wrapping things up, self-examination, reviewing the past for its lessons and revelations. Mine yoru past for the jewels that lie there. Forgive and forget. Move beyond. You may run into old friends like crazy. Be helpful to others. Start a brand new cycle on your next b-day - decide, what will be the focus? What new adventure/project can I work towards? What am I co-creating with the universe? :)
33/6 life lesson # means your life is all about service to humanity (or animals or environment, anyone/group that needs help), health, beautification. It's a master number, so that gives you extra "oomph" to do things on a large scale, something that causes a lot of ripples. Counseling, healthcare, motivational speaking, interior decorating, the choices are endless as long as you feel like you're making a difference. You are more value-driven than most.
You're challenged to accept change, make positive changes, avoid getting stuck in a rut, or staying in a bad situation due to fear of the unknown. You are challenged to develop your artistic expression side in hobbies, crafts, music. This is a great way to keep in touch with your feelings and release emotions.
You're on a brink... what do you want to fall into next? :)