4-4-2004 = 14/5 life lesson
0/2/2/2 challenges
Okay, a child with all 2 challenges is going to be very hypersensitive. This is not a kid who can handle strict discipline, this is the kind of kid who will punish himself and really feel awful when his folks say "I'm disappointed in you." So for discipine, everything should be explained very clearly and unemotionally, and perhaps he should have some say in what is appropriate consequences for his actions. They should definitely let him know when all is forgiven and forgotten, or he will think it is still hanging over his head.
Born on the 4th day means he'll need good structure and organization. He'll like regular routines, a place for everything and everything in its place - unless he swings the other way and likes to have everything in view rather than hidden away. :)
14/5 life lesson # means he will want to try everything at least once. Let him take up tons of hobbies from sports to music to model building and rocketry and try not to get too hard on him if he drops it as soon as he's bored. He will probably be very good with his hands and enjoy using tools to create things. he'll get into trouble, overly rambunctious, if he's bored! :)
Hope that helps! :)