Personal year and month vibrations tell you what kinds of energy is surrounding you, influencing you, the "Like attracts Like" law of the universe. :)
For your year, take your own month and day of birth and add it to the year you wish to calculate. Thus:
January 3 2004 - my current year vibration
1 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 10/1
Another example:
November 12, 2004
11 + 12 + 2004
1+1+1+2+2+4 = 10/1
to get the month, simply add the month in question to your personal year vibration.
So for me, January 2004 is 1+10=11
This is a heightened month for me, one of inspiration and inspiring others - hence all my readings. :)
Now what do the numbers mean? Here's a guideline:
1 = new starts, action, originality, making decisions
2 = harmony, cooperation, mediation, passivity
3 = scattering, freedom, entertainment, self-expression
4 = practicality, work, order, building foundations
5 = change, freedom, new intellectual interests, travel
6 = family, health, sevice, listening to others' problems
7 = self-analysis, achievement, health problems
8 = business, power, responsibility, money
9 = giving to others, endings, service
11 = limelight, inspiration, religion
22 = materialism, large endeavors
33 = sacrifice, compassion for others
44 = helping others resolve daily problems, counseling