What exactly is in a vaccine ?
Ethylene Glycol =antifreeze.
Phenol =Carbolic acid (used as a disinfectant)
Formaldehyde, a known cancer causing agent.
Aluminum -used as an additive to promote antibody response. (Linked to Alzheimer's disease and seizures and also produces cancer in laboratory mice.
Thermosal (a mercury disinfectant/preservative which can result in brain injury an d autoimmune diseases.
Neomycin and Streptomisin ( used as
Antibiotics ) which have caused allergic reaction in some people
Vaccines themselves are grown and strained through animal or human tissue like monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, calf serum, human cells from aborted fetuses as in the case of rubella, hepatitis A and chicken pox vaccines.
If you think that these toxic chemicals belong in the body then please think again. The damage inflicted on a child's developing immune system by
vaccination is very often overlooked. Recent studies have shown that there is a link between the rise in auto immune diseases and the increase in vaccination. Incidences of Attention Deficit disorder and hyperactivity and autism have also soared with the rise in vaccination. The
vaccination for hepatitis B was banned in France as it was linked to a rise in diabetes and in some susceptible babies to S.I.D.S. The oral polio vaccine is the only known cause of polio in the USA today. In Ireland a father contracted polio from changing his baby's nappy and will expect to be in a wheelchair in five years time. Vaccines have been linked to brain damage, lowered IQ and other learning disabilities. One has got to ask if we are in fact unwittingly contributing to the dumbing down of society by inflicting a program of
vaccination on children today. There are so many teachers who complain that children have lost the ability nowadays to be able to concentrate for prolonged periods of time and who seem to have difficulties with learning. Could vaccination be suppressing our natural ability to understand and learn?
There is enormous secrecy surrounding vaccination as it is big business and money is the priority above health. The MMR vaccine seems be be particularly dangerous as it is a cocktail of three vaccines and its effect on the immune system of the child can be dangerous. It has been linked to the rise in Autism which has gone from 1-2 per thousand births to 20 per thousand. It has also been linked to Crohn's disease, Epilepsy, Meningitis, Hearing and Vision problems, Arthritis, M.E, Diabetes, Guillian Barre Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. The flu vaccine has been linked to fever, malaise, myalgia, hives, allergic asthma and Guillain Barre Syndrome.
What happens to the immune system when a vaccine is injected into the body?
When a person is vaccinated only the antibody response is stimulated rather than a general immune response that occurs during the normal process of illness. When the body contracts a virus the body produces an inflammatory response to the infection, for example a fever or a cough. This is the body's efforts to clear the virus from the system and the whole immune system is stimulated. Once a child recovers naturally from an infection he/she will have a natural immunity to the virus and will be able to respond more effectively to other viruses. Infectious diseases are necessary for the child to build up a healthy immune system.
The best vaccine and antidote to infectious diseases is a
healthy Diet that is high in essential nutrients. A diet based on unrefined foods will help a child to fight disease and when a child does get a virus the body will be able to effectively deal with it.
When I had my daughter 14 years ago my decision not to have her vaccinated was instinctual rather than informative. I felt in my heart that it was not normal to put vaccines into my baby when she was born healthy. I breast fed her for a year and a half and gave her a diet high in fruits and vegetables. I never gave her sugary foods or sweets as I had read that eating
Sugar lowers the immune function and I wanted to do everything to safeguard her health. People commented on how healthy and radiant Aisling looked, her energy was high and she was a very happy baby. Apart from getting chicken pox when she was 4 and the occasional colds she has remained very healthy. Unvaccinated children have been known to have a higher level of health and a higher IQ.