I am not the top expert, but I think I know what the NWO is. Unfortunatly, a lot of people are still unsure of what it is. The idea of a new world order could just mean a new way of doing things, a good thing, but in typical confusing fashion, it is the opposite.
These people are a collection of old boys clubs, bankers, corporate fatcats and the European Oligarchy of old kings and big business. A lot of family lines show up too, like Rothschild and Rockerfellers, and about 100 other prominent families.
Basically, I see the NWO as an economic "layer" that is not dependant on what we know as "the economy", they have their own. Their money is what is used to start projects, it is the 'capital'in a capitalist society. Projects such as "the economy" - it will be used as long as it is usefull, and then discarded while we, the people, starve in the cold darkness. When that time comes, they can make us all drop dead, or be alive enough to be usefull slaves [see:Chemtrails].
The transfer of money from "the economy" of the people to the NWO banks is picking up steam. All the 'public' money of governments can be used for the public [like education], or it can be used to to fund things that benefit the NWO people, like VP Cheney, get sooo much from the war on Iraq through weapons purchases [and his body bag company!]. $800 billion so far in BushJrs. term went this way!
Canada is doing it too, as are all wealthy countries. Even the poor countries are being forced into this transfer of funds - with things like the contracts to Monsanto to raise
Genetically-Modified foods instead ot the traditional crops that feed their people - How did they do it? By arranging for the elected, or not, leaders to be "one of them". That is the only kind of leader that succeeds anymore.
"Who is the NWO?" is a question that will never be clearly answered - the group has loose connections and few meetings, nobody in the group knows 'the whole story'. It is shady and ghosty, you cannot pin it down. It is well planned, a plan that has been written down at Boston university in the 1960s, Dick Cheney was in attendance, maybe Rumsfeld too [isn't he too young??]
This plan of the NWO basically states that the human race can be manipulated and made to serve the wealthy people who run the banks and have 90% of the worlds capital funds.The takeover of Iraq is part of it, and the idea for 9-11 is in it ["To go to Baghdad, we need to have a Pearl Harbour , but on American soils" -Rumsfeld, 1991]
Any questions? Something to add or clarify? Do you see the NWO this way?
As I said, I am not an expert, but the events in my own life over the past 19 mos has made me open my eyes and see so much that I never could before.And I saw the NWO, and the role they palyed in the tooth pains I had... [really!].