rainbow wrote: "I don't use the Grapefruit with the epsom salt, and I don't have a problem with the epsom salt..But I do use the grapefruit with the OO..I just can't take it. It gags me and the smell!!!!But it's like having a baby. After delivery you sort of forget about the bad part.."
haha, I think that's true. I just did my first treatment last Tuesday night, and I couldn't do a whole cup of olive oil. And while I was taking it and all through the night I thought gawd, I am NEVER going to be able to do that again! But a few days later and the idea of the next treatment doesn't sound so bad anymore! Holding my nose while I drank it until I had wiped my mouth did help somewhat.
Does anyone have an opinion on whether the grapefruit juice makes the olive oil more palatable than lemon juice? I did lemon juice, and that was just one horrible taste after another.