When I first found the
Conspiracy and Political
Debate Forums I thought I had finally stumbled onto the "truth." It was refreshing to see news that stuck its finger right in the eye of the problem. I became mesmerized by it all and I thought I had it figured out...but I wanted to check out the sources of the new information that was flying at me and that is when everything started unraveling. In college, I learned critical thinking skills and I also learned to check to make sure I had good sources for my research. Critical thinking doesn't mean criticism of others but rather criticism of your own theories. I examined what I thought was true from many of the sources of the information I was reading in the
Debate Forums and then I asked critical questions.
Who is to gain by telling this story?
Where does the money to finace this story come from?
What is the agenda between the lines?
When I was in the Military long ago, I was privy to the inner workings of the propaganda machine that demonized Moslems, Russians, and anyone who was America's enemies. The men who taught us how propaganda worked taught us the way to say things in a way that puts your own assets in the best light thereby providing justification for destabilizing(Murder/Assasination/Destroying the Enemies Infrastructure etc...) other nations and all of this with subtlty and intelligence. These men explained to us how it was important to destabilize every Moslem nation to prevent them from becoming powerful enough to form an alliance that might one day destroy America/Israel. The means of doing this was through all types of deceptions but I was also made aware that there were men on the other side doing the same thing...
In any case, after looking at the sources of this new information I was eating up in the
Conspiracy and Political Forums, I remembered those men and how smart they were. Then it hit me.... The stuff I was reading was just Propaganda from the United States/Israel's enemies. The more I looked at it the more it became clear to me. I knew we(America) was lying about everything but then I came to understand I was just swapping one set of lies for another set of lies.
I applied this same knowledge about propaganda to the growing racism in CureZone. I have found there to be a more subtle type of racism going on in CureZone than the raw KKK type. This growing racism begins in a foundation of truth but it is backfilled with propaganda and lies. At first you have to get together and determine what words to use that sound true and make you look intelligent without looking like a brute.... Words like "Zionist" hide the fact that your intent is to destroy Israel... or calling someone a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor...when your motivation is to oppose immigration or Catholocism... New words to form a new kind of KKK.
I don't believe that most of the people who are forming an alliance of White Supremists even know they have become the tools of propagandists. But before you know it, you are a full blown Neo-Nazi or racist that wants to nuke Israel, the Vatican, and round up Latinos and send them back to Mexico and Blacks back to Africa...It is that close... Learn the new language of racism and then...you have a movement... This is what I see in CureZone. It has become a place tolearn the new language of racism propaganda.
I fell for the propaganda of hatred of Moslems("Nuke em til they glow") and those evil Russians("The Evil Empire") when I was a kid but after I was in a car accident and met God, I couldn't hate Moslems or Russians any more. I didn't hate anyone any more. I don't even hate the White Supremists in CureZone. I just want to wake them up to the reality that they have been manipulated. Maybe they want to be manipulated but let me tell you this. It takes a lot of propaganda to get people to kill other people. It started when we kids with toy guns and television that glorified war to video games today that make murder just a way to get points...all the way up to
Conspiracy Theorist trying to push an agenda of hate in CureZone... All of those who rationalize nuking Israel or America might just keep in mind that they may have been lied to or coerced by propaganda to feel that feeling they have inside about America, Israel, Russia, Iraq, the Vatican, etc... I am not saying that any or all of those nations are not evil...they are... but if they coerse you into wanting to murder someone that makes you a murderer in your heart. War is murder and there are many who are pushing an agenda to destroy America. If you bought into that then at least klnow that feeling came from a hundred sources of propaganda. It may happen, America may be destroyed in a nuclear fire, but why should you give your energy to it?
I believe a lot of CureZone's energy goes to support a format of half truths and propaganda that are just another way to control us and prevent us from living in harmony with one another. If we refuse to fight, we win. If we choose to engage in the futile fighting over half truths, we lose. I am giving up posting in the
Debate Forums not because I was defeated but rather because I win when I walk away from hate.
There is a huge propaganda war going on every minute designed to destabilize other nations. My American version of propaganda can be seen on television with made up stories and lies that are designed to show just enough negative information about the United States to make people think they are getting real news but mostly the media is merely a means to control the population. To keep them paying taxes and showing up to work so they can pay for more tanks and guns and planes. In any case,
I decided that I could not take the word of every Conspiracy Theorist(Read Proaganda Artist) for their word and I just looked a little bit to uncover who was to gain by exposing the "truth" and it lead me to discover that so many of today's Conspiracy Theorist are linked to Russian Intelligence, Chinese Intelligence, Israeli, British, German, etc...and American Intelligence that provide propaganda and disinformation to the eager Conspiracy Movement. We are all being played in a huge game of deception and half truths.
Then, I applied my knowledge of how propaganda works to the growing White Supremist movement that has become so popular in CureZone these days. I believe this nefarious propaganda is designed to create racial hatred thereby destabilizing CureZone in a smaler scale but on a larger scale America and its European Allies.
There are two kinds of racism. One is a type of crude weapon used by uneducated brutes that openly use slurs and violence to express their racism. This is generally not the case in CureZone although it certainly has been that way from time to time for at least a year. But blatant racism is usually what hapens when there is pure anarchy. Perhaps this is what is occurring in the Debate Forums? Whomever is the biggest bullie controls the room.
What I believe is occuring is a type of double speak- saying one thing and meaning another. How do I know this? Because I got caught up in it as well. Not until the open racism came out did I stand back and take a look at myself and see if the values espoused by those in the the debate forums matched my own. I have lived among a diverse many people in my life including Blacks, Hispanics, and Jews and through the course of my life I have learned to appreciate how each culture and race contributed to my life. In evey case, I became more tolerant of a wider and wider range of people. My last battle has been my intolerance for intollerant White Middle Aged Racists. I guess I am not there yet but maybe some day I will get over that too? If I had not been just like them it would not bother me so much, I guess?
Jesus was only crucified when he was pissed off at the money changers in the Church. I guess my going into the Hellish den of the Conspiracy Debate Forum to fight racism was my money changers. In any case, I don't ever want to go back in there to debate again... Crucified... I would rather reemerge as the person I was before I got caught up in all of the half-truths of the Conspiracy/White Supremist Movement. They say not to blame the average German for what the Nazi's did and I can tell you it is true... I just can't go on fighting hate any more...it makes me feel bad about myself. If you were the average German, you just wanted to survive the hate filed Nazis and go back to your family.
I turned into the thing I despise...hate... when I go to the Debate forums. In any case, I am not going back in the Conspiracy forum any more. My fascination with playing with fire has passed. I am only pointing out what I see as a problem. I have no solutions to offer. I just want to educate anyone who wants to read what I have to say from my experience. Take it or leave. I don't want to fight racism any more. I want to fight the racist in me.