Sometimes, we decide to hide a message.
Cause it contains unsubstantiated attacks to another person.
If you post a message into your blog:
"John has hidden my message, he doesn't like me"
and I look at the hidden message and I find out that it wasn't John at all, it was Mary for example, I would hide your blog message, (or even delete your message), cause you are accusing John for something that Mary did, and I don't want John to jump into the conflict.
Why would Mary hide a message in the first place?
Maybe it wasn't Mary at all, maybe it was a "looping bug", or maybe it was Mary, maybe Mary thought that your message is stirring a debate into a support forum.
If now another member, let's call him "Hanniford", comes and accuses John for censoring without a good reason, (and he may even do it in a poem), and John decides to hide that message, I may support John's decision and leave it hidden, all in attempt to stop inappropriate discussion or inappropriate accusations.
Whenever normal support discussion turns into a debate, chances are high that messages may start disappearing. Not always, but you never know ...
There is a whole spectrum of messages, it is up to each moderator to decide when a message reached red light.
What it depends on?
It depends on moon, stars, atmospheric pressure, weather, menstrual cycle, part of the day, day of the week ....
How sensitive moderators will be depends on many factors, but in 99.9% of cases I support their decisions.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!