I did my 2nd flush yesterday, and it was much more successful than my first. It had only been about 12 days between the two, but I was anxious to try it with the proper preparations. My first flush (following the Clark formula) yielded about 20-30 stones, only 5 of which were garbanzo sized. The bigger ones were also very hard (calcified?) and light green.
This flush, I prepared a bit more and made sure my preceding 3 meals were very low fat. I also bought a gallon of unfiltered apple cider and 10 apples 3 days before (consumed all except 1 apple.) After the
Olive-Oil dose, I laid on my right side in the fetal position for about 45 minutes before moving on to my back.
So far this morning, after 3 trips to the bathroom, I’ve expelled around 150-200 stones (with more on the way). Approximately 20% were large – 1/2 to 1 inches, 30% were large pea to garbanzo sized, and the rest were smaller. I was stunned to see so many big ones! How does this stuff come out the ducts without causing excruciating pain? All the stones appeared a much darker shade of green this time, and the few I checked out were much softer. This may be due to the apple pectins softening things up, or just deeper stones working their way out (?).
I just turned 34, am in reasonably good shape (5’ 9”, 170lbs), but a recent home cholesterol test came back high. In my research, I found this site and decided to try the liver flushes. I am absolutely shocked that this junk was inside me. I plan on re-checking my cholesterol soon, but might wait until my next flush (early August).
For the brave, I’ve included a picture of one of my jumbos. There were some a little longer, but this one had the most overall volume - so far. It was almost a cubic
inch and I felt it come out (ewww!).
Thanks for listening,
Stone Picture Link