Hi Howit,
I was hoping to get back online last night but unfortunately it didn't happen....(and do forgive my bad adding yesterday when I said it was 12:15 and I'd send healing in 4-5 hours, making it between six and seven - *ugh* brain fog!)
I sent it at about 5:45pm yesterday, and I used two different symbols (there are different symbols that we use for different purposes) - one is used a lot to treat viruses, and the other is the 'peace' symbol, which is good for healing past and future issues that may impact on present healing, for manifesting the best results for a situation and for releasing fear.
The colours that I was aware of while I was sending were lots of orange and yellow. Orange relates to the Sacral chakra, and is to do with desires, appetites, creativity and sexuality. Yellow is the Solar Plexus chakra, and this relates to self esteem and personal power. Normally when I see colours while treating or sending healing to someone, I take it to mean that attention is being drawn to these chakras in order to work on them, and that these would be the chakras that are drawing in the healing. Just a few links I found with a quick search:
I had two very brief 'images', or impressions, and these were of a small yorkshire terrier type dog, and of red flowers in a flower bed/tray or a window box.
I always ask to be given any images, impressions, 'moods' or physical sensations that might be useful, helpful or relevant - a lot of times they are relevant but sometimes they mean nothing to the person, so if this is the case I just say ignore them!
Physically, I experienced a sensation deep inside my left ear, not quite pain, but it reminded me of an earache - and it was so deep in that it seemed connected with my throat (if that makes any sense). Mood wise, I actually felt very peaceful, calm and chilled out for the duration of this healing.
I hope this all helped - as I said, the impressions I got may mean something, they may not - I always report anything that occurs to me either way just in case. I hope everything works out well and it's good news for your husband.
If you wish I can include him, and indeed yourself, next weekend when I send healing again - I do it every weekend, sometimes I have only one or two people to send to, sometimes a long list - I would be glad to include you both.
Take care,