I got into Reiki about 15 years ago, and went on to become a Reiki Master. It blew me away, because it was my intro into the world of energy. I was a very obedient student and followed her instructions when she said to practice every single day. And thus I did for 3 years, without missing one single day.......an approximately 1 hour self-treatment every single day.
The first week or so there were some amazing kundalini experiences, if you know what I mean ;-) LOL. After that rather pleasant experience *smile*, I was hooked! I looked forward to taking the time each day to practice. However, some intense clearing began after the initial 21 day practice time. All kinds of physical, mental and emotional detox began. Self-healing of little issues began as well....the bigger issues took longer. For example, I dissolved uterine fibroid tumors, but only after months of daily self-treatments.
My life turned upside down and backwards for awhile, but there was no turning back. I was now "attuned" and looked at everything differently. I no longer do daily self-treatments, because Reiki opened the doors for all kinds of other more evolved frequencies to come to me. However I still love Reiki and practice it often with clients who love it. By the way, the more you do self-treatments, the larger the minor chakras in the palms of the hands expand and more energy flows through!! People tell me so often how hot my hands are.....
Some students of Reiki choose to just learn the modality and rarely practice on themselves. It's your choice, but be aware that if you decide to practice very frequently, "things" will begin to change........