Hopefully Lapidis will correct any of my misconceptions.
There is a curezone forum on Tantra in the suport forums. Tantra is a form of Yoga, and there are various tantric exercises, with which your wife can assist. Tnric Yoga is the contgrolling of breath, muscles, joints nad postitions, and exercizes for the purpose of energising your being.
Your being is divided into chakras, fro the purpose of Yoga. Basically places along your neck and spine. Each sectrion of your neck and spine is considered a center of energy, of a particular quality of energy.
You have identified Libido as low in energy, by which you may mean sexual eneergy, and the chakras for those ceenters are in the lower back.
Meditation is one way to eneregize a chakra, or youga exercises whcih focuse on building energy in a particualr center.
I am a novice, just loooking over Rieki, could not resist my thoughts getting into words, though I am a fellow student
not a teacher.