A few excerpts/paraphrases from the book "Yoga of perfect sight" by Dr. R.S.Agarwal concerning myopia (near-sightedness).
Myopia is caused by strain to see DISTANT objects.
Reading fine print when it can be done without any discomfort proves extremely benefitial. FINE PRINT IS A BENEFIT TO THE EYES WHILE LARGE PRINT IS A MENACE. The reason is that while reading fine print one sees a tiny area at a time, while in reading large print one has to see a large area at a time and the eye feels strain.
To stare is a strain. Strain is cause of imperfect sight.
Palm for a few minutes a few times a day.
If possible, start the day by exposing the eyes to the sun - just a few minutes at a time. Get accustomed to the strong light by letting sun shine on your closed eyelids. Don't overdo it.
Reading in moving vehicles is not harmful. Reading in candle light is extremely beneficial.
Don't use your glasses for reading if you are myopic. Do palming after reading. Read fine print. Reading in dim light is helpful.