Buy some pinhole glasses, they help strengthen your eyes by focusing on very small areas. Also, I have had very good luck with "bilberry eye support" 100 capsules and "herbal eyebright formula" 100 capsules at Also if you eat carrots and blueberries daily and goji berries ( your vision will become obviously better. Also you can get eyewash solution, boil filtered water and put a few drops in a eyecup and let it cool down a lot, then wash your eyes with the solution... at (Dr. Richard Schultze).
This is from, a link off of = a site that sells the late master herbalist Dr. John Ray Christopher herbal combinations =
Herbal Eyebright and
Herbal Eyewash Combination
This formula is excellent for brightening and healing the eyes, and it is known to remove the cataracts and heavy film from the eyes.
1. Make this into tea form and put into a glass eye cup. There will be a slight burning sensation when using the cayenne in the eye at first, but there is nothing to be concerned about. Tip head back and apply the eye cup to eye. Exercise eye while doing this as though you were swimming under water. Do this three to six times a day. Drink 1/2 cup a.m. and p.m.
2. From a question to Dr. Christopher: "I have been using the herbal eyebright for several months now. I have followed the instructions exactly. Is there anything else I can do to help speed this along?"
Answer: In order for any herbal combination to be effective, the body must be in good working condition. This would include using the lower bowel combination Lower Bowel and strictly following the mucusless diet. In addition it is also important to improve the circulation to the head area. This can be accomplished by laying your head down on a slant board each day. Gradually work up to 20 minutes twice a day. There is also a tendency for the eyesight to seem to worsen for a while. This is due to the toxins being released from the system and coming to the surface of the eye to be washed away. This also indicates that the lower bowel formula Lower Bowel should be used as a means for keeping the eliminative channels open.
One part each
bayberry bark
eyebright herb
golden seal root
red raspberry leaves
1/8 part cayenne
1. Glaucoma: I have a friend who had had eight major surgeries. She lived in constant pain, very seldom was she able to go places and her physician had told her their was nothing more they could do.
She went on Dr. Christopher's Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet. She started on herbs to cleanse the colon,... the blood ... Cayenne, Herbal Calcium Formula, Joint, Herbal Eyebright, etc. In a matter of about three weeks, her pain was gone. She was able to start living again. In about 3 or 4 months her
Arthritis left her. She had had glaucoma for 13 years. Her glaucoma medicine was making her ill, so she went to her eye specialist. He tested her and said There is not even a trace of glaucoma left. There is virtually no cure for glaucoma, how did you do it? Her reply was thru herbs and diet. She was told whatever it is, don't stop it. He took her off her glaucoma medication, and a special pair of glasses. She now tells me her eyes have improved so much that she can now watch TV without glasses, which she never before had done. She started on this program less than a year ago. Her dark brown eyes are now turning green. She has a ways yet to go, but she is really living again. She is a composer and this past holiday season, had a Christmas Album published. [NL 2-2]
2. Cataracts: I have cataracts in both eyes, and my wife has one in one eye.
Since I have been using it by eyecup and orally by capsules, I can now see all the license plate numbers equally in both eyes! (I could not see license plate numbers or highway signs with my left eye. They looked 'foggy'. Also, at night, all lights had 'halos' around them as a fog. Now the left eye has equally as good vision as my right eye.) Further, without my glasses, I can see each individual brick in condos across our green belt, approximately 250 feet away, which I never could before. My eye doctor, a year ago, said I had cataracts in both eyes, and the worst in my left eye. Six months ago, on a check-up, they were no worse, but I had to come back in six months.
Two days ago, the doctor was amazed and delighted how my cataracts had shrunk (VERY RARE, he said) and he said my eyes were so good I need not come back for a whole year.
I'm nearsighted normally, and had slightly more negative corrections every change. Now I can see as good with my older (less strong) glasses, and my eyes feel great. The herbal eyewash still smarts for a few seconds, but my eyes feel so good afterward. I use the eyecup 3 times a day, and 3 capsules. I'm 62 years old. My wife, 61 years old, does not take the capsules saying they cause a slight diarrhea which I had not experienced. She's using the eyecup twice daily. We've been on Dr. Christopher's Herbal Eyebright now for over 3 months, and will stick on it for the next year, and let you know then." [NL 2-8]
3. Pain & Squishy Feeling in Eyes: "My husband has had a great deal of improvement in his eyes since using the herbal eyebright formula, both internally and as an eyewash. He formerly had a lot of pain in his eyes, and mentioned a "squishy feeling" around the eyeballs. Lots of mucus has come out of his eyes in the mornings after using the eyewash the previous night. He can see better now and has no more pain. He took the eyebright capsules, 2 at breakfast and 2 before retiring." [NL 2-8]
4. Glaucoma: I have had glaucoma for twelve years now. The eye pressure was so high, I had to have surgery to rechannel the waterway. I have had a little sight, not any the last years, in my left eye, due to
kidney stone surgery years ago.
I have been using the Herbal Eyebright capsules internally, from another company in Utah that a friend told me about. I had not heard about Dr. Christopher's herbs, health newsletters, etc. until this winter while visiting in Southern California.
Now I have been using Dr. Christopher's Eyebright combination eyewash formula. And I can see a little more light. To my amazement, the other night, I looked at the typewriter keyboard, and was able to distinguish each letter on the keys. Newspaper headlines, the letters are too close together, I can not see them, but I'm going to keep on using the Herbal Eyewash and hope for good results in the future. [NL 3-6]
5. Staph Infection in Eyes: Dr. Christopher has spoken several times in Cincinnati and my wife and I have been privileged to hear him. By way of personal testimony, I have had a staph infection in my eyes for at least four years and have tried many different treatments. But I have now found that taking two tablets per day of your Herbal Eyebright formula has greatly relieved the situation. I am now in the middle of my second bottle and with the improvement that I have noted already I expect that in a short period of time this infection will be completely eliminated. [NL 3-6]
6. Cataracts: Your Herbal Eyewash really works miracles! After reading Healthview Newsletter's report about it, I sent some to an elderly friend who was told she must have a cataract operation. She used it religiously and noticed a change quickly. When she told the surgeon she was postponing the operation he said she was crazy, but if it happened to work, she should let him know, and they'd both make a fortune. Her reply to that was, "What do you mean, 'we'?"
After only ten days on the capsules and the eyewash, her vision improved sufficiently for her to drive without glasses--for the first time in 25 years! She's thrilled and is confident that she's beaten the surgeon. [NL 3-6]
7. Glaucoma and Cataracts: Thank you for the Healthview Newsletter on Dr. Christopher's Herbal Eyebright combination. I have been getting the Newsletter ever since it started and Dr. Christopher's herbal formula is one of my favorites.
I went on it just as a preventative against Glaucoma and Cataracts, and I have bought about 10 copies for friends.
It really works--A friend, age 81, had Glaucoma for years and was getting no better--after just six months no more Glaucoma and her Cataracts are almost gone. She just can't praise the formula enough--but most of her friends just don't believe it as their doctor didn't recommend it. [NL 3-6]
8. Eyelashes and Clearer Eyes: ...The herbal eyebright formula is another of my favorites. I use it twice every day. My eyes are clearer, I have better vision and would you believe my eye lashes are growing like crazy. I have people stop and ask me if I wear false eyelashes, and what brand are they? Can you believe it? [NL 4-6]
9. Glasses Thrown Away: Some time back in 1980 I learned about your Herbal Eyebright formula. I purchased my first bottle July 8, 1980, and am at present finishing my 21st bottle.
Today I am 64, I started wearing glasses when I was 18. As of my last eye examination, I do not wear glasses anymore, but still have to use 2.25 (purchased at the drug store) for reading. [NL 4-10]
10. My mother,who has had eyeglasses since before I can remember, began having trouble with inherent macular degeneration a year or two ago. Her father lost his sight to this. I told her to start using the herbal eyebright eyewash. She was using it only one time a day last summer when I went to visit her. She said it had kept the blind areas from getting any worse, but they had not healed completely. I explained, again, that she needed to go through the procedure at least 3 to 6 times a day with her condition, and to be sure to drink the tea. When we visited together during the recent holiday, she felt that her eyes had not only healed, but that she no longer needed glasses. She said she only kept them because her drivers liscence required them.
Tomorrow is her 69th birthday. She went to renew her drivers liscence and then called to tell me that she no longer needs glasses to drive. She no longer needs glasses at all.
Natalie from Mapleton, UT
Useful in Treating:
Eye Ailments
Hay Fever
Hemorrhage (Eye)
This stuff is great = the bilberry and eyebright herb combinations has very significatlny helped my eyes, rated at 2300 something (Very bad), wearing glasses since I was 12, now at 27 years, in a couple months I shouldn't need my glasses anymore!