Hi all,
I have read many articles about dry eyes and their causes but have yet to find anyone in my situation.
Up until 5 months ago I had no problems with my eyes. I have never needed glasses or worn contacts.
Then one night I was visiting friends & played Sony PlayStation non-stop for about 5 hours.
The next morning I woke to find my vision constantly blurring unless I blinked frequently. My eyes were (& still are) often sore & irritated.
After going to the doctor he diagnosed it as dry eyes and I also did the Schirmer Test scoring 0 out of 15 on that.
So now I have been taking artificial tear drops (Artelac 4 or 5 times a day) ever since.
What I would like to know is:
What steps can I take from here? (how good are the punctal plugs I have heard of? are there any other recommended remedies?)
Why can I not find this particular cause documented anywhere?
Would I have a case against Sony? (bit of a longshot that one..)