This is from "
The Master Cleanser with Special Needs and Problems" by Stanley Burroughs:
Special Formula for Eye Drops
This formula has been used with most excellen results for many years with absolutely no dangerous side effects when coupled with a change of diet, the reflex work and color therapy. Many cases of glaucoma, cataracts, spots, film, and growths of various kines have completely disappeared. The drops may be applied one at a time to both eyes several times daily. Continue use until the condition is cleared up. Many people have completely overcome the encessity for glasses. In all cases eyes have improved greatly. There are a number of books written on eye exercises; their systems help greatly to bring the sight back to normal. Most people would do well to learn and perform exercises to insure the retention of normal vision.
Formula: 5 parts (measures) distilled water
2 parts best grade of honey
1 part pure apple cider vinegar (Sterling or other good brand)
Mix together and store in a bottle. It need not be refrigerated as contents will not spoil. If eyes are in good condtion, keep them that way by regular use as no harm can ever come by using it. It has a strong smarting effect for a moment, then the eyes clear and feel very good after each use. These drops have proven to be superior to most commercial drops.