Yes the stones come out. Some times a flush gets out over one hundred stones. There is no pain at all. The stones serve no purpose inside the body...they clog the gall bladder, causing very painful gall bladder attacks. They are formed inside the liver, causing congestion to the liver. They move from the liver into the gall bladder. If a gall bladder has stones, digestion can be bad. Also, aches and pains happen in the abdomen, back, shoulder, sometimes down the arms. If a full blown gall bladder attack occurs, it is said to be more painful than child birth. Ridding one's self of stones does not cause more stones to be formed. Bad diet causes stones to be formed. In doing a series of gall bladder flushes,over several months, you can pass over 2,000 stones. It is recommended that the
Liver Flushes be done at two or three week intervals, thus giving the stones inside the body time to move toward the exit of the gall bladder, and also for the stones that are inside the liver to move into the gall bladder. The stones leave the gall bladder during a flush, going into the intestines. They leave through the rectum. Mine land in my collander which I place inside the toilet. : )