You can do it!
Fear can cause your body to weaken, hormones to rage, adrinalin to pump throughout your body (Fight or Flight in animals).
That is taxing on your immune system.
Alot of illnesses and disease are spread by people that are in a constant state of fear.
Your body has a different job to do, one that it has been waiting to perform.
Instead of processing food, your cells (muscles, blood, organs) are going to clean house!
Knowingly (eating junk food) or unknowingly (eating not so fresh food at a restaurant), you have taken in toxins.
Your body needs this slow flush (10+ days) to get this buildup of waste out, to perform at maximum efficiency.
You are doing something beneficial for yourself and your future.
So you have your job and your cells have their job.
You supply the cleaners (spicy lemonade) and your cells will carry it throughout your body, mopping and scrubbing.
But your cells also need clean water to rinse the areas they have cleaned, so you need to drink alot of water.
Now their buckets and sponges are full of dirty, nasty toxins that need to be dumped (out of your body).
Some of it gets out through your skin, so you need to wash it off (at least daily) to keep from clogging those drains (pores).
Some of it comes out through your breath, so brush your teeth and tongue (2+ times daily).
But most of it (the big, bulky stuff) is hauled to your bowels (colon) and that dumpster must be emptied EVERY DAY!
So your job is to help your bowels dump by drinking the salt-water (or whatever works well for you -- laxative tea, B&Ps, prune juice -- there are alternative hints throughout this forum).
Here's another way to look at it:
Say you work for a company you love and an emergency occurs (natural disaster). To save the company, everyone pitches in to clean up the mess (not just the maintenance crew). No, it was not in your job description (when you got hired) to pick up glass and trash, but you do it to benefit this company you love. You don't want the company to fail (how often do you find a company you love to work for?) so you help with the cleanup.
Most of the new people on this forum had never heard of fasting before. They thought 'Well if I just eat healthy food sometimes, I'll be all right.' They never knew about this toxic cleanout before. But now that you know, you want to heal these minor ailments you have (allergies, skin breakouts, etc.) or if you are really sick, your body is giving you a blairing alarm "Your immune system needs help from the digestive system, give them a break."
What if you are the owner of this business? It's your baby, something you perhaps created or spent alot of hard-earned money to buy. You want to save it, so you are going to spend all day, nights and weekends to get it up and running again.
You own this body. It is a gift from God to house his spirit and your soul. It is the only one you will ever have. Give it what it needs to perform at it's best. And consult the owner's manual (Bible) for further info.
I pray you succeed in getting healthy.