hi, i'm ryan.. would like to share a success story about liver flush.
The widespread success about
Liver Flush was heard in California when my older
sister had learned that her good friends are having great success with it. Some
say that their liver is renewed and that their cholesterol levels have since
significantly reduced. Others go on and on about losing weights and feeling brand-new.
Well, itt started out with my DAD who agreed to try with the
Liver Flush experiment
about a month ago.. he didn't have much success.. possibly because he ate some
meat (beef) in that early afternoon. Later, I've found out that meat is a NOT
recommened prior to the
Liver Flush process because it may inhibit the flush of
unwanted feces. Consequently, my dad didn't seem to excrete any oily, fatty feces
and it turned out that he didn't benefit much from the liver flush.
On the other hand, just this last Wednesday, June 8th, 2005, my older sister Tien
(35 yrs old) just did the liver flush .. she had tremendous success and therefore
had excreted hundreds of those fatty, oily feces.
Here's my sister routine:
(1) Wednesday, June 8th, 2005
12pm - 2pm: eat very light.. maybe bit of rice and potatoes
(2) 2pm - 6pm: fasting. did NOT eat or drink anything.
(3) 6pm (SHARP): drink 180 ml (mixed of epson salt & grapefruit juice)
(4) 6:01pm - 7:59pm: fasting. did NOT eat or drink anything.
(5) 8pm (SHARP): again, drink 180 ml (mix of epson salt & grapefruit juice)
(6) 8:01pm - 9:59pm: fasting. did NOT eat or drink anything.
(7) 10pm (SHARP): drink 245 ml (mix of organic
Virgin Olive-Oil & grapefruit juice).
Lay down very still and go to sleep IMMEDIATELY.
(8) 10:01pm - 5:50am (the next morning): sleeping. Go to bathroom to pee or poop
if needed.
(9) Thursday, June 9th, 2005
5:51am - 5:59am: wake up to brush teeth, clean & wash face.
(10) 6am (SHARP): again, drink 180 ml (mix of epson salt & grapefruit juice)
(11) 6:01am - 7:59am: fasting. did NOT eat or drink anything.
(12) 8am (SHARP): again, drink 180 ml (mix of epson salt & grapefruit juice).
The liver flush process is FINISHED.
Note: at 8:15am, my sister was excreting hundreds of those fatty, oily feces. She
was ecstatic and said that it hurts a bit when she pooping.
(13) 11:30am: she was eating very light, like a bit of rice
(14) 12pm: Resume to normal daily activity.
HOW my sister mixed all the juices & ingredients:
(1) Mix 750 ml of grapefruit juice with 4 tablespoons (12 teaspoons) of Epson Salt.
When mix both of them, the total amount is about 770 ml. Then break down this total
mix into 4 divided amounts (put in 4 small bottles or cups) of about 185 ml each.
Drink 185 ml of this mix at 6pm, 8pm, 6am (the next morning), and lastly 8am [as
outlined in the routine ABOVE].
(2) Mix 120 ml of organic
Virgin Olive-Oil and 125 ml of grapefruit juice (total
is 245 ml). Mix this amount and drink at 10pm, then lay down and go to sleep
Note: To accurately measure all the amounts of salt, grapefruit juices, and olive
oil, my sister bought some pharmacy prescription bottles in which there's an
accurate mark of the millimeter amount on each bottle.
Good luck.