Last year I cleansed for 17 days with
The Master Cleanser . Six months after I ended the fast
Depression hit and I have reverted to bad eating habits. I know I am full of toxins and even my dread locks felt dirt. Last week I cut them off so I can start them over. Now it is time for my body. I want to go until my body tells me it is done. Probably 30 days. I have about 60lbs to lose so maybe longer. I need my energy and concentration back. So here begins my start. Officially I will start tomorrow but I know from past exsperience that a full tummy and bowel make for a horrible beginning. I just drank a glass of
Master-Cleanse and a very strong cup of laxative tea. I plan to enema in the morning as I can't do the salt flush. The taste makes me gag horribly and I will be on the toilet for hours I just don't have. So wish me luck and help me be accountable;)