Hi again,
Try drinking at least 2 litres of water (preferably WARM in the morning especially as this stimulates peristalsis) a day, every day. It may take a while to rehydrate your system...3 weeks...but if you keep this up (if you don't do this already that is!) you should see some results.
Also...forget the
Bentonite for now...let's just work on you getting your bm's going.
Do you have a juicer? If so, great. If not...just get the best juice you can (pulpy is good) and mix 1 tbsp of Whole Husk Psyllium (no other herbs) into the juice...drink it back. Take this before bed.
I've been reading and I remember a guy who had chronic chronic constipation and this is what got him going.
So that and the water...and why not eat some stewed prunes.
Also jumping up and down on a rebounder....or even lightly on the helpful too. Exercise is good.
Relaxation is even better! Totally relax every part of yourself...Take BATHS not showers....
Hope this helps a bit! I want to see you having a bm a day!