Hi, I just finished my first 10 day fast and now i'm on day 11 and slowly sipping orange juice . . . . i have a few questions
one: i feel good and i'm proud for reaching my goal of ten days but my tongue isn't completely clear, so is it bad that i'm not 100% detoxified?
i'm can't continue with the fast for a variety of reasons . . one i'm a student and the syrup and lemons took my food budget for like three weeks,
two: i sometimes have to stay up crazy hours and that is not easy to do on the lemonade alone,
also i've lost a lot of weight and my friends are making me stop.
Does any one have recommondations for a good nutrition website or book ? i'm clueless, like i had no idea that honey was bad for you, and i'm planning on emlinating milk and cheese, as much as i can from my diet . . what about eggs?
thanks in advance