For those of you without audio or video, I have recorded most of the transcript of this video below:
Health Canada says the best way to avoid the flu is vaccination, which in many provinces is free. Well let's see if these recent flu shot recipients can help reveal the mystery of why Cheetos and Pop Tarts list their ingredients while vaccines do their best not to.
[Interviews recipients who find the contents of their vaccines disturbing--once they are told what those contents are.]
[Discusses how to make your own flu vaccine if the drug companies do not have enough for everyone...]
We now have our chicken embryos, and our live virus. Now from the pickled frog jar at your local school's biology class, we'll keep that virus dead like the drug companies do with formaldehyde. Now careful, don't get any frog in the mix, that'd be gross.
Now let's add a little ether, careful don't fall asleep. And then we dump some detergent in there, that keeps it clean.
And remember when your mother lost her mind when you played with mercury because it never leaves your body? Well that makes it a great preservative! If you have a thermometer...[cracks open thermometer and empties mercury into blender]. Staying healthy is a lot more important than room temperature.
Now all of this goes into the centrifuge, like this blender, and...hey hey hey! It's vaccine for the whole family.
Well the debate over whether vaccines usually don't work or aren't fully safe may never end, which at least explains why the contents are rarely publicized...
[Man refuses vaccine injection, and host expresses his disbelief.] But it's government-reccommended! Oh well, that's my eye on the flu shot."
[All of these are POISONS, injected directly into the body.]
"(Vaccine ingredients) 1. Micro-organisms, either bacteria or viruses, thought to be causing certain infectious diseases and which the vaccine is supposed to prevent. These are whole-cell proteins or just the broken-cell protein envelopes, and are called antigens. 2. Chemical substances which are supposed to enhance the immune response to the vaccine, called adjuvants. 3. Chemical substances which act as preservatives and tissue fixatives, which are supposed to halt any further chemical reactions and putrefaction (decomposition or multiplication) of the live or attenuated (or killed) biological constituents of the vaccine."--Viera Scheibner
Vaccine ingredients 1
Vaccine ingredients 2
Quotes Vaccines used to induce disease in animals
Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.
"The cancer culprit may be the "adjuvant" that is used in killed-virus (animal) vaccines. The adjuvant is a material that holds the virus in the area of the shot for a few weeks so it can be time-released slowly. The adjuvant is believed to sometimes cause fibrosarcomas - deep-rooted tumors - at the spot of vaccination."--Media 2002
Flu Shots Increase Chances of Alzheimer’s by ten times over
Should You Get A Flu Shot?
By Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Alzheimer's Disease A serious concern: Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals, has reported that if an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots.[vii]
The video was great, but it overlooks MY biggest objection to the Flu shot:
I say this because I personally have NEVER had one in my 40 years and can't
recall my last bout with the flu. Because of a few chronic ailments that predispose me to it, I DO remember my last bout of pneumonia, however!
Also, my sister is a teacher, REQUIRED to take a flu shot, who has FREQUENT
bouts with flu and other illnesses.
My most tragic encounter with a flu shot that didn't work was in January 1980, when an elderly neighbor was hospitalized and died of influenza, about a month after telling me all about the miraculous protection it would give her.
Once again, I LOVED your video, but I think everyone is trying too hard. Just refuse it BECAUSE IT IS INNEFFECTIVE!