Whatever its relation to Tamiflu, Anise is usefull for colds and other things to do with lungs. Also, Babies colic, etc. kills lice,
here is info on Anise, how to and what it does, from some herbailst source [don't believe anything on the internet, check it but out this is good info I believe.]
----------------------------- quoted:
Indications :
The volatile oil in Aniseed provides the basis for its internal use to ease griping, intestinal colic and flatulence.
It also has an expectorant and anti-spasmodic action and may be used in bronchitis, in tracheitis where there is persistent irritable coughing, and in whooping cough.
Externally, the oil may be used in an ointment base for the treatment of scabies.
The oil by itself will help in the control of lice.
Aniseed has been demonstrated to increase mucociliary transport and so supporting its use as an expectorant. It has mild estrogenic effects, thought to be due to the presence of dianethole and photoanethole, which explains the use of this plant in folk medicine to increase milk secretion, facilitate birth and increase libido.
Anise is a stimulant and carminative; used in cases of flatulence, flatulent colic of infants, and to remove nausea.
Sometimes added to other medicines to improve their flavor, correct griping and other disagreeable effects..
A very popular herb in the ancient Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medical systems for many centuries. There are many different varieties of aniseed. The most common variety is the ash colored kind from Spain. Anise belongs in the same botanical family as parsley and carrots.
Make a tea by adding 7 tsp of aniseeds to 1
quart of boiling water and then simmering the contents down to 1-1/2 pints. Strain and add 4 tsp each of honey and glycerin (as a preservative). Take 2 tsp of this syrup every few hours to relieve hacking coughs.
Take 2 tbsp three times daily to strengthen the memory.
For flatulent colic mix Aniseed with equal amounts of Fennel and Caraway. For bronchitis it combines well with Coltsfoot , Horehound and Lobelia
Preparations & Dosage:
Infusion: the seeds should be gently crushed just before use to release the volatile oils. Pour one cup of boiling water over l-2 teaspoonfuls of the seeds and let it stand covered for 5 to l0 minutes. Take one cup three times daily. To treat flatulence, the tea should be drunk slowly before meals.
Oil: one drop of the oil may be taken internally by mixing it into half a teaspoonful of honey.
USA: Generally recognized as safe
UK: General sales list
Canada: approved as an over-the-counter drug
France: Traditional Medicine
Germany: Commission approved as an over-the-counter drug.
Although many herbalists recommend anise as a remedy for morning sickness during pregnancy, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy. If your physician recommend against taking any birth control pills, avoid using anise as it has some estrogen activity. Estrogen may contribute to migraine headaches and abnormal blood clotting and promote the development of certain types of brain tumors.
FDA considers anise as generally safe if used as recommended for otherwise healthy, non-pregnant, non-nursing adults.
High doses of anise oil (several teaspoonfuls) may cause nausea and vomiting. Use only in consultation with your doctor.