I am searching for alternative treatment for dystonia. I have the ST [spasmodic torticollis] which is incurable because 'they' don't know what causes it. I have been very close to remission at least 3 times in the past 5 years, but just can't find what I need for success.
I have had all dental metals removed.
I have detoxed heavy metals and other pollutions.
I drive 120 miles south for Specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic.
I travel 100 miles north for Master-Chinese-Accupuncture.
I use Dr Clark's environmental cleanup protocol.
I use herbs, and zapping, massage therapy, and homeopathy.
The Allopathic methods [bandaids] don't effect relief of any kind. I've had BoTox injections and just about every drug you can imagine. Some drugs exacerbate the symptoms!