Medical Board in Rhode Island may be guilty of racketeering!
They have conspired to put a local Naturopath, in practice eleven years, out of business by orchestrating a raid by the FDA and IRS while launching character assassination through the local media. TWENTY AGENTS went in to this small office for intimidation effect, taking all computers and confidential patient files for a fishing expedition. No charges were filed against the doctor, yet a Grand Jury is set to interrogate current and past employees in February. All cash on hand and bank accounts have been seized to bankrupt and cripple the doctors ability to defend himself against baseless charges while his bills remain. He will not be allowed to stand before the Grand Jury and hear the baseless
claims made against him. Claims are being floated that mail fraud and IRS challenges are being brought against him, again the common bully tactics used by the anti consumer FDA using the IRS as their patsy, and Medical Boards. It should be noted that there is no mail fraud and there is no offshore or bank fraud of any kind. This story will get thicker quicker you can imagine. The Medical Board isnÕt even the governing body for Naturopaths in Rhode Island, yet their pettiness is going to possibly get some board members in jail when this is finally settled. Fortunately, life is going to be very difficult for this excellent and honest doctor (they even claim he is not a doctor because he is not a Medical doctor but a Naturopath. He even has an academic MD degree as well as his Naturopathic degree!) You may get some requests for email, phone and letter campaigns to politicians on this. This is almost worse than the Jonathan Wright, MD raid, and has the same pettiness involved. The Medical community is going to come out looking very poorly nationally on this, and the
FDAÕs credibility is going to be further compromised as well. They actually believe we all just have our heads in the sand, and yes some of us will stay removed. I, however, am asking you to hang in there with this one. I'll keep you informed!