I started having tingling in arm and leg in 1996, and face tingling and numbness a couple years later. I went to neurologist in spring 2001 and he did MRI for MS.
Then in June 2001, I developed Belle's paslsy, which is the inflammation of the 7th cranial nerve which controls facial nerves. I took prednisone which my neurologist gave me and it lowered my immune system.
During this time of a lowered immune system, my tooth with a large
Amalgam (mercury filling) broke off. A dentist placed a metal patch on it while I was on vacation. This caused mercury to leak out of that tooth and I started tasting metal. Tasting metal is a symptom of mercury poisoning. Coldness in feets is also symptom of mercury toxicity, because mercury messes up endocrine system including thyroid.
Then my hometown dentist one month later drilled into the tooth without protecting me from mercury vapor. (Protection should have included a dental dam, and a source of air for me to breathe while he was drilling so I would not breathe mercury vapor, etc.) MOST DENTISTS EXPOSE PATIENTS TO MERCURY VAPOR WHILE DRILLING OUT MERCURY FILLINGS.
I breathed the mercury vapor and it went into my brain.
An alternative doctor belonging to the American College for the Advancement in Medicine www.acam.org examined me and pronounced me mercury poisoned.
1. anti fungal medications for candida. Mercury causes candida. See www.drcranton.com
2. Safe removal of all mercury from teeth by a biological dentist.
3. vitamins and minerals
4. chelators to remove mercury- DMSA and other natural supplements.
See www.mercurypoisoned.com for my website on how I was poisoned, symptoms of mercury toxicity, how to find a biological dentist, should you remove your amalgams, and many more helpful articles.
Leaking mercury fillings cause tingling in the body and yeast related problems.
Regular neurologists will not check for mercury. You need an ACAM doctor, some of whom are also neurologists. FORGET REGULAR NEUROLOGISTS, THEY CANNOT HELP YOU EXCEPT TO RULE OUT TUMOR ON BRAIN OR SOMETHING SIMILAR.
Marie Flowers