I have found it soothing take a warm to hot bath with
Epsom Salts with the RSD that I have. Massages and parafin wax treatments have been the best find ever to soothe the nerves and give them a well deserved rest. In my opion, of course, the weakness and fatigue that it may cause may have to be off set by physcial therapy. When I went to physcial therapy they always calmed the nerves/pain before they would work me over. I haven't tried acupuncture but have heard it works great too!
I do hope that she finds the will to find what is going to work best for her to manage MS. I am very thankful for this website and message board. It is a challanging effort to regain the best health that I can bring together for myself. I thank all participants on this website that have assisted me in the understanding on many different levels. My experience with MS is through my aunt and I will still ask my mom and cousins about the hot baths. I do know that MS is not being diagnosed in the area where I live anymore. I have been told different reasons? It is always a good idea to get second and third opinions on diagnosis and prognosis. I am still searching for answers, along with many of my family members. Answers that might show how much genetic, environment, virus or etc... is at the root of MS or what type of mix. I do know that a lot of my family members suffer from some or most of the symtoms and when they go to their doctor they are discouraged from taking the test to diagnosis for MS. They are treated for the individual complaint to the satisfaction or comfort of the patient or have been told there is nothing they can do for it ... still a mystery.
Thanks for letting express some of my experience with MS.
Always an interesting journey, Letti