Hi! Peachy! Long time!
I haven't found much on the web as far as good information either...I know it is still sort of a new thing and a lot of the sites I go to are either really technical or heavy on the marketing as you said. I've been using the machine for about 2 months now. Honestly there is a part of me that is still skeptical and yet another part of me that is completely amazed at what it picks up on.
What it boils down to for me is that the cause of all disease is energetic. We choose to have disease in our bodies for a number of reasons. I think that when some people get treatments and only have short term results that may be why the body reverts a bit to the same symptoms, because the energetic or emotional issues underlying have not been addressed. That said, there are some great therapies on the machine for addressing emotional blockages or imbalances and energetic ones as well and I try to utilize those in my practice.
I just came back from doing a session on a woman and it picked up on her digestive difficulties quite clearly and strongly. I'm also amazed at how it can identify problems with specific spinal vertebrae. Also specific allergies and the toxins panel too is a great resource.
Someone mentioned the training. I have to agree that it is challenging to not have a medical background and run this machine because it is so specific on what it picks up. The training for this machine constitutes about 40 hours or so and that barely touches on the basics. I heard that about a year ago there really wasn't even any training offered! So again it's pretty new. I find that I use so much of what I've learned on Curezone the past few years and that knowledge really helps. i really feel that success with this machine depends a great deal on who is running it.
Anyway, subspace is where it gets even more amazing and yet almost unbelievable. The subspace link can connect with a client anywhere in the world. No hookups needed. This is because, I am told, of the way it utlizes the quantum field. I have done several sessions in subspace, and while I cannot vouch for how effective the therapies were (although people have claimed to have felt positive benefits), I have noticed that it does really seem to pick up on what is specifically going on for that person. All you need to plug in is their name, date of birth, and place of birth and you get a lock on the person. Of course they tell us not to mention this to people because it can scare them off, which is not surprising.
I really think there are tremendous benfits. i think a lot of it has to do with the person operating the machine, and also the willingness of the client to want to change. If they are not ready to give up their disease and change, then I don't think it will work that well in the long run. I know that I have run therapies on myself that have worked immediately (like the anti-aging facial skin tightening, wow) and then others I have done on myself have yielded little result but I know that I am not for a number of reasons ready to heal (as hard as that is to admit). I have also and would also caution people to be ready for detox symptoms after a session. A good therapist will run therapies making detox easier but there can be somewhat of a healing crisis I've found as the body starts to detox. I expereinced a couple pretty strong ones after doing work on myself.
Also there is such a HUGE amount of info that comes up when you do a session, one of the best skills I think I am learning is that of discernment. You have to look for patterns and repetition and start putting the puzzle pieces together. people come in and they think that they know what is wrong with them but the machine picks up on more root causes and underlying issues that are perhaps not so obvious. Also one of the most helpful parts is where it says what the body is in exhaustion mode over. This means that there are underlying issues that the body is too exhausted to heal, and can be very informative.
I could go on and on and on...there is so much info...but I'll leave it at that for now but if you have any other questions, let me know.
I will poke around and see if I can find some good links. And I'm glad you like the website too! yay!