guess what, missy? i dont care about the particulars. his philosophy is dead on. following his complete program, one would never need ascorbic acid powder. but i understand vit C better than you do. people do need it. why? fear. gluttony. selfcenteredness. stubborness. rebelliousness. ignorance.
the list goes on with things i KNOW you couldnt handle, but yes, people have to have it or be sick. i have a big jar of it in my house for the unfaithful. i am no fool. but for the right kind of person, it is absolutely unnecessary.
heck, i was eating so many oranges before my latest
Amalgam removal, i couldnt hardly get numb for the work. it took three big shots and they barely worked. you know what did it. i know what did it. vitamin C neutralized the novacaine before it could effect the tissue. all from what i ate and nothing more.
you get upset with mh. dont go there. why torture yourself with something you obviously lack the capacity to understand?
and another thing. i have hardly revealed myself here at all, even if you have read everything i have posted so far these past few months. i wouldnt want you believing something that wasnt true. i still make
Colloidal Silver , best in town. does that surprise you? i have pretty much quit taking it too. why? i dont need it. lol