Hi noflush
Here is a great cheap way to stop that nausia
Antiemetic: helps prevent nausia and vomiting.
Ginger deserves extra honorable mention as a natural antiemetic. Used in the Orient for centuries, it improves production and secretion of bile from the liver and gall bladder, improves gastrointestinal motility, and stimulates digestion. Ginger tea can be made by grating the fresh root (found in the produce section at almost any grocery store), skin and all, until you have two Tablespoons of the mushy, lemony smelling stuff. Next, boil 4 Cups of water. Finally, steep the 2 Tablespoons of fresh, grated ginger in it, and then pour it through a strainer. You can add honey and/or lemon to make the taste more bearable, because let me tell you, it is NASTY stuff. Interestingly”… Also, …“Prepare yourself, the stuff has fire in it and burns all the way down, BUT the burn replaces the nausea in some instances and is well worth it... IF you can tolerate it"...
Hope this helps