It's incredible how easy americans (and my good friend from Canada) can be so easily fooled. The original reason we were going there (I never believed it, but you did) was because they had weapons of mass destruction (all you gullable people, and history will somehow show Saddam attacked the twin towers, amazing how propaganda can change facts) Then George realized how vulnerable Americans are, so he now stated that it was to liberate Iraq. I'm sure the marketing organization that my tax dollars bought and paid for told them to do this. Then there was some independant news people that were actually reporting truthful events instead of the lies that our news was reporting and you are watching on tv, so he bombed their hotel and killed them, even though all witnesses claim there was no shots coming from the hotel.
I'm sure that the people of Afganistan will be happy to be a witness (notice sarcasm) about how benificial our bullying has been for them. And since we kiiled all law and order in Iraq, the Iraqi's I'm sure are thankful that million year old statues have been destroyed. But keep watching the propaganda and lies that the military editing staff is allowing you to view, you seem to enjoy being lied to. By the way, since you are into ferry tales, what is the Easter bunny going to bring you this week?