Not sure what is happening. I finished the F1/F2 treatment about a week ago when I ran out of F2. Since then, I have kept eating fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a good dinner (chicken/rice/veges).
I noticed no change in my condition. To review, when I go to the bathroom I have to return multiple times to wipe. My BM's are thin, long and mushy. No matter what I eat or drink the consistency does not change. I recently started getting a little backed up. My BM's changed to small thin and mushy. Since I had some F1 left I decided to finish up the bottle.
First night we went out for Indian food and I had a beer. Took two F1 tablets and came home and went to sleep. Next morning I had some coffee/OJ and pancakes. Now, coffee has always been a stimulant for me to go have a BM. That morning, I nearly filled the bowl up...where did all this stuff come from?
That afternoon I had ramen noodles for lunch...its visit the grocery store time of the week. Last night was my birthday. My fiance made a nice roast pheasant with salad and stuffing. We had a bottle of wine and water to drink. For desert she made a lemon cake with lemon frosting and coffee. After finishing off the bottle of wine I took my two F1 tablets and went to bed.
About 3AM I had some cramping. I went to the bathroom and proceeded to have diarhea. It was very watery and pitch black. I drank several cups of water took some advil and proceeded to have bad cramps and pain. It felt like something big was going through my intestines. Finally about 4:30 am I curled up on the couch and went to bed.
Today I still have some slight cramping/pain in my stomach and am continuing to have very dark/black diarhea. The color looks alot like the F2 mixture. Is it possible this stuff has been seeping behind some plaque in my stomach/intestines/colon and finally broke off? What about all the pain and cramping?