Thanks everybody. Thanks PTree. I was def. dehydrated. All this week my diet has consisted of:
1. Water/Gatorade
2. Salads
3. Broccoli
4. Soup
I have eaten absolutely NO MEAT or FISH, which is a HUGE change for me. My elimination has been a lot smoother from earlier this week. I felt a huge sigh of relief. This is what I've done:
1. Found an Organic Food store and purchased some products
2. I'm learning how to cook, and how to prepare my foods.
3. I'm getting rid of all of the white flour and will replace with something organic.
4. I'll be starting my workout program on Monday (Weightlifting for muscle mass)
I think my big hurdle is learing how to cook tasty healthly meals. Any input on my plan would be helpful.... ie
A. How do you guys prepare your foods?
B. What cookware do you use?
C. What spices herbs?
D. Favorite Recipes?
E. What do you do for snacks? I have kids... :)
F. Do you eat any meat or fish? If so, how do you prepare it?
G. How do you prepare beverages? Juice Machine?
H. Favorite Food/Recipe websites?
Thanks everyone... I feel a lot better from earlier this week... :)