Dr. Schulze ..First let me say I am so excited about your web page being finished soon and being able to order online...I live in Australia formally from the U.S. and would love to order your products online..I have been waiting for our dollar to increase in value..and it is getting there now..I e-mailed you several weeks ago concerning my husbands condition. But you must have been away at the time. So here goes again. He suffered a head on collision with a stolen vehicle about 13 years ago as a policeman. Shortly after he started developing stiffness along his spine. The docotrs kept telling him it was from the accident not to worry it would go away. I met him 4 years ago and told him if the stiffness has not gone away all this time something else is up. Go get a blood test and m.r.i. see what is happening. And there it was the gene that if a trauma happenens it gets triggered and begins to delvelop into ankylosis so now his entire spine is fused and joints calcified in his neck and is working on the ones in other parts of his body. I was so mad the docotrs simply excused the pain away. Anyway not much to do about that now. But they put him on so much pain killer it damaged his kidneys and liver..but I did clean those up. And he no longer takes any pain meds..His entire stine is fused so really there is no pain except in the tips of his shoulders and occationally in his thorastic. As for the calsified joints I have a question. I started giving him cayenne pepper several months ago mixed in his
Celery juice. and then he started having alot of pain in places he hadn't had any pain before. Then one night while rubbing on you deep tissue oil I noticed his joints were no longer hard as a rock but plyable..I thought maybe I was just imagining this. So a few nights later his daughter began giving hima massage and she too said oh my josh you are not hard as a rock. And he told me his lower back now has a small amount of movement in it. So My question can the cayenne pepper break down the calsification? Is too much cayenne harmful for him? And is there anything else I should be giving him? We would do and pay any amount if he could only be able to turn his head in any direction. He is a very strong willed man. He never stopped, he works and doesn't sit still for any reason. But it does bother him that he can't turn his head and that he has a hump up between his shoulders where the spine curves..Not to bad though because he never laid down and gave up so it never got to fused in a terrible curve. Thanks for your input..I really can't wait to see what you have to say...Sorry this is so long...Anita...Down under.