Dear wrebecca, April 22, 2003
Whenever you take any herbal medication and it seems to much for you
Whether it’s a headache, migraine or any symptom,
This is wonderful, this is what most people are trying to get, a healing reaction
The old natural doctors like
Bernard Jensen would also refer to this as a healing crisis
I call it GREAT!
If it becomes too intense and you cannot tolerate it
Cut the dosage of herbs you are taking in half and start there
Lapis’s answer was good too, lots of pure water, beep breathing
And give yourself a high enema.
Juice and water fasting/flushing is also helpful the day before you start
Make sure that you are also STOPPING doing the things that make you sick
And get on a GREAT food program
there are many people manufacturing my herbal formula,
and I have sampled many of them and they ranged from fair to terrible. I have only one company where I make all of my clinical herbal formulae myself, the same way I have been doing this for decades, and it is the American Botanical Pharmacy.
These are the only herbal formula that I refer to when I answer questions and if you or someone else are using one of my herbal formulae, BUT not using a herbal formula that I personally make . . .
then there can be too many variables.
Keep in touch and GET WELL
Your Colon Cleansing is only the beginning of your healing adventure!
Richard Schulze