And what does it mean that we went to war on a lie?
Even if there are other reasons for justifying or celebrating the invasion of Iraq [like removing Saddam as Bush is trumpeting now] , those reasons do not justify invading another country. Saddam never posed a threat to America himself, and had little or nothing to do with al Quada [sp?]
The reason was: that America was under threat.
An invasion of another country cannot ever ever be "for their own good", as Bush is saying now.
[If there was any sanity involved, there would never ever be another invasion of a soveriegn country, thus avoiding any possibliity of a "world war". This thinking was in place for 50 years until BushCo decided to go it alone].
Was America under threat? Is it now/Was it ever?
Was 9-11 just as phoney as the "WMD excuse for war"?
I have been sold on the idea that it is all a hoax , as so much in our world is [keep the BS filters on!].
But now, even those who believe what they see on the mainstream media have to be seeing the cracks in the BushCo regime.
The average American might remember the idea that the invasion of Iraq, and maybe 9-11 if it was set up, was all about going into Iraq for the oil, "its all about the oil".
Are they taking a second look now?
Are they asking where the media was, and why they put the slant on the war that they did?
is anybody asking who deserves the apology most?> The Iraqis were bombed to hell and back - try to imagine that happening to YOU and then hearing maybe it was a mistake....