"I believe" is a weak substitute for "knowing" but for most it is their only option because they chose to forget their "knowing" when they entered their mother's womb. Forgetting the absolute knowledge that there is a God(or whatever you call God)is a deal most of us make with God before arriving in our mother's womb because it permits us to learn our lessons about love and faith on our own. While a good parent wants their child to learn the lessons of faith and love, they do not want to have to do the learning for them.
Love & faith are important lessons to learn and mostly this is what we come to this life to experience. Physical love is a weak substitute for Godlylove (pure lovingkindness) but the hope and pursuit of physical love does make this world at least mildly tollerable. God's love is the real thing though and the weak substitute of physical love will always fail us.
Faith or believing is another lesson we may choose to learn while we are here. There is a way to get beyond believing to knowing for those who would pursue it if they desired to. We always get what we ask for if we know(not believe) we are going to receive it... Do you see the difference? If we believe and do not know then we are putting a barrier between us and whatever we believe and put knowing off until some future time. Does that make sense? And there is no faking it...We can sometimes know something and then we figure out we really didn't know...does that mak sense?
A NDE is for the most part(at least this is what I understand) something different from believing...perhaps those who have a NDE do not need the believing lesson any more and for some the NDE is a special arrangement between them & God(or whatever they call God) to get some more information to do the work they agreed to do while they are here.
The NDE'er will have an unlimited number of reasons to experience a NDE. I believe in a way that the NDE'er also makes one out of step with this world because one's priorities change to other-worldy spiritual things as opposed to worldy interests.
Some NDE'ers experiences might also be like a basketball game time-out to give us a chance to discuss things with the team and coach and then get us back to a winning game plan... or a NDE might be to give us directions for a specific request from God.
In any case, I certainly wouldn't want to die in an attempt to have another NDE becasue I would not want to return here if I go back again. If one happens again, I would probably tell God that I am would prefer to stay in heaven.
This world is about long suffering and loneliness and each of us who chooses to put on flesh has no idea what it will be like when we are in heaven before we are born because our spirit body does not suffer pain and loneliness so it doesn't seem to be so bad while we are there but once we are here...we will burn with that loneliness and suffer until we return to our home again in heaven.
If I could pass along from my experience what I learned though it is to forgive quickly, get over any harm committed against you quickly(or it will start to twist you), know that God loves you like the most loving Father/Mother who ever existed and that they want what is best for you.
What I believe about Jesus is something I have not been able to fully articulate at this point but I did have an experience with what I would call a pre-Jesus(before living in the flesh) while I was in heaven. That is a difficult concept to explain so I will leave it alone for now.
I believe that the burning Jesus talks about in the Christian tradition is about this world and the desire to burn for the things of this world. I for one am here because of that desire but once I left my body, I knew I wanted to leave that desire behind to go to the light.
God kind of tricks you into coming back in my opinion by asking you to do errands when you get back. I feel almost like a slave to God most of the time since my return because I can't get away with anything without knowing that I am pleasing or displeasing God and when I try to get away with things, I get angels tripping me up and trying to steer me back to where I am supposed to be... You want to have your own life back sometimes and you can get it back for a moment and then the angels leave, God's voice fades, and it becomes almost unbearable to live...I don't know if any of this makes sense but having angels & God in your daily conversations is hard to leave behind...once you know they are there for the taking...
When I am out of touch with angels and God though, I can become invisible to God but once I get away from God for a little bit, I start missing the conversations...but it makes you so different from those around you that you might appear to be a freak or something...like you don't fit in... I guess that is how I feel... I don't belong in heaven because I wanted to taste the burning taste of this world but I also don't belong here because I want to be back in heaven. Knowing God exists is a mixed blessing I guess. I wouldn't go back to not knowing because knowing without a doubt that God exists make this world seem less lonely than it is...
I don't know if that answered your questions... I hope it gives you some context though for what this NDE'er experinced since his NDE.