At a Natural Health Clinic of Basyr College, hyperthermia is commonly used in the treatment of AIDS and other chronic and acute viral infections.
In 1988 and 1989, the Natural Health Clinic conducted a "Healing Aids Research Project" (HARP). Hyperthermia treatment was included in the treatment protocol developed for the study because of it's immune-stimulating, detoxifying, and disinfecting properties.
According to Leanna Standish, N.D., Ph.D., Director of HARP, participants reported that hyperthermia was the facet of their treatment that had the greatest impact. They found a decrease in night sweats and in the frequency of secondary infection. Also, many participants reported having a greater sense of well-being after hyperthermia treatments.
Laboratory research has proven that HIV is temperature sensitive and suffers greater inactivation at progressively higher temperatures above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, after thirty minutes heating in a water bath at 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit, 40 percent inactivation of HIV has been reported, and at 132.8 degrees Fahrenheit, 100 percent inactivation. "I don't believe that hyperthermia is the answer for all HIV patients," says Dr. Lewis, "but I do think it is an appropriate adjunct treatment for all but a few very sick patients.