Hello, Flossing is a must even more so then brushing because food gets between the teeth and under the gum line and we all know what old food sitting around smells like (garbage)
I brush twice a day floss before bed and also before bed after flossing I use a gum stimulator and use the rubber tip to clean between and just under gum line behind all my teeth and the same with front teeth ...it takes no time at all and I never have BB and no morning breath either.
Get a box of super floss it is fluffy and does a good job of scrubing between teeth and has a threader end so you can run it between tight teeth or bridges.
I also use Jasons tooth past with out floride since it's really a poison and no good for teeth and never use strong mouth washes they really dry out your mouth and make matters worse..like Listorin BADDDDDDD!!!!