Hi Jason426, dinga
The Barium Enema is a standard lab test requested by doctors to identify any abnormal conditions of the colon. At the same time it picks up other abnormalities like reflux in the terminal ileum (small intestine), fistulae etc.
As for intestinal hypermeability test can be done by:
In the US
Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory/Genovations™
63 Zillicoa Street
Asheville, NC 28801
Telephone: (828)253-0621
In Australia
Analytical Reference Laboratories
5 Leveson St
North Melbourne, 3051
Please do the tests and be supprise!. Hope you all can be free from all these problems. You all deserve it.
It has been hell for me over the last few months since I had the problems and look forward to beat this horrible disease.
Oh, almost forgot. The Tx varied but if you follow the links from the initial email and do some research over the net. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with a Tx plan to suits you.
Good Luck everyone