Sure, I can tell you whatever you would like to know.
The frustrating thing about the symptoms that I had and that others are having is that it could be cause by so many things that it is hard to pinpoint whether it is something that you can cure yourself or if it is something that you need to be treated for by a doctor. Let's face it, not everything can be cured by natural means just as not everything can be cured by a doctor. I subscribe to both.
My main problems were a fecal odor emitting from my rectum. I noticed it about 6 months ago but it got worse as time went by. It was at the point that I was having to use tissue in order to help stop the leakage and the smell. It didn't stop it, but it did help some and made everyday living a little easier. I also had bouts with constipation, though not very often. I was usually going to the bathroom several times a day and my stool was small and soft, or watery sometimes. My stomach was usually rumbling and I could tell that my digestion was not normal. I drink beer occasionally and I thought that this was one of the causes of my problems. But once I stopped drinking so that I could see if any my symptoms would get any better, and they did not. I changed my diet, tried taking more fiber and did a couple of colon cleanses. I tried an enema, an
Epsom Salt and lemonade cleanse, hot baths, several things.
As for discovering my hernia, I kinda thought that I had one for years because I had one 10 years ago that I had fixed and I knew how it felt. I just knew that it was a small one and I couldn't connect it to any of the problems that I was having. Nor could my doctor. But if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. When you have a hernia, no matter how small or large it may be, your intestines are not in place like they should be, and it is possible for even a small portion of your intestines to become kinked in a way that it is not used to thus causing stomach cramps, digestive problems etc...
I went to the doctor to get diagnosed properly, but if you have an inguial hernia you may notice a visible lump in the groin area, usually just on one side. Also you may feel some discomfort in the groin area. If I walked around for a long period of time I felt alot of pain in my groin/back area and had to sit down. Do a search on hernias if you think you may have one.
Again, I'm not saying this is anyone elses problem, just wanted to share my excitement on what I have found out.