dental guy
From what I believe, our problem is very different from various other types
Body Odor (such as worm infection, candidiasis, underarm/sweat odor, bad breath, TMAU etc), and hence we need to focus on our specific problem.
I have three questions to ask everybody.
Do any of you have low tolerance for alcohol?
Do you guys notice the smell get worse after you consume fatty foods - such as burgers or fries or high fat snacks or anything fried?
Do you notice if the smell gets stronger after you drink coffee?
I don't know what the answers will be to these questions, but if a lot of people say Yes to any one of those questions (my answers are Yes to all three), I think I have a strong reason to blame the liver. Liver is the organ that produces enzymes for metabolism of alcohol and breakdown of fat. Also caffeine in coffee and sodas are broken down by the liver.
(actually, TMAU is not so different in that the patient is also lacking certain liver enzymes to convert a product of food metabolism into another less smelly substance)
I am about to start taking some supplements that strengthen the liver (milk thistle) along with some Magnesium pill. Of course, these are just supplements and we cannot expect them to "cure" this horrible affliction that we have, but I want to see if they can improve the condition. And I am going to try to avoid those things as much as possible.
We will get BACK there some day.