Listen I am going to be honest with you right now. Your endocrinologist may be making things worse. I know that's hard to believe, but the medical field does not have the proper understanding of basic human health. I am sure you are on insulin or glucophage or glucatrol or something. Did he put you on synthroid for the thyroid? What are you taking? Do have type one or 2 diabetes mellitus?
Pain in the hands is Not Good. Please take care of yourself. With diabetes comes a risk of nerve problems as you well know, from suger in the blood. Your circulation is so important. Please continue to exercise as much as you can. Take alternating hot/cold showers--just change the temp for a few seconds to cold then hot about seven times. Just do it as much as you can tolerate the temp, don't burn yourself.
"Digesterin" will get rid of your weight problem, Crohn's disease, Rapid heaert beat, tense feeling, etc... It is doctor formulated but purely natural. It is a special patented herbal compound. Your doctor will NOT like this though! He will have no knowledge in this arena and will tell you no. But you have given him enough chances to help you and now it is your turn to help yourself!
Now for the thyroid, it will come back into balance as you shape up, change your diet, and get moving. A homeopathic thyroid will help also. It will strengthen it and direct it into balance as much as is proper for your case.
Just cut and paste the above. I picked this especially for your case.
For pancreas take:
This above homeopathic, is so gentle, so nourishing your pancreas will be so happy. It will begin to cleanse and regenerate itself. Your peaks and lows will change, all those hypoglycemic events will be diminishing. Of course watch the glycemic index of your food so your pancreas has a chance to "recharge". Think of it as a newborn baby because it is coming back to health.
You must take celtic
Sea Salt for minerals, your thyroid needs minerals. You can also take a colloidal mineral product by future biotics.
You must eat vegetables! You must eat greens, make a shake with SUPERFOOD by
Dr. Schulze . This is the best green formula and will give you the energy to exercise.
Really, to be honest, you can resolve all of your health problems. I do not know if you have type1 or 2 diabetes, but your improvements from all that I have mentioned above will be astounding!
You may also take an alkalizer like "Alkamax" by trimedica to help regulate the ph in the blood and the organs will heal faster and you will have even more clarity and energy. acid is the main cause of disease and aging. It actually hurts your organs and is a breeding ground for symbiotic bacteria.
I have worked with endocrinologists for many years and published two research papers of my own in endocrinology. If you cannot make yourself take responsibilty for yyour health, then drugs are your only option. But if you can take gradual steps everyday to improve one thing at a time, you will be Amazed. You will have the life you deserve. You can do it!! Drugs really don't work, just mask symptoms, and prolong an inevitable painful end.
Good Luck to you.
Any questions just ask me, I am here to help.
Peace be with you,
Sorry there are so many things to buy, but YOU need to take action now.