YOU are going to make the rules for how I live?!? You're more than funny... lol... Hall of Fame class of clown... lol...
My regards to the cows.
I feel very good at night AND during the day. YOUR government is giving me already so much money I don't know what to do with it. Actually, I know what to do with it: I'll use it to fight for democracy. Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Stalin, were all chosen by the people. Were they good choices?
You don't know my side. You actually don't know much, mountain-girl, as usual.
You changed your name in BUSH/CHENEY04 AFTER you were sure they won the election. Some balls! Real man, aren't you?
Didn't anyone tell you that the use and abuse of BIG, UPPER CASE LETTERS don't make neither your tiny, futile brain nor your genitals grow?
You Baboon may have won an election, mountain-girl... but you still are what you are: iperventilating, paranoic, god-fearing, angry, unable to see reality.