...didn't you listen to the exit polling conducted by your media? Guess you were too busy reading the tea leaves about Kerry's double digit lead in Ohio. The morality factor is what pushed Bush over the top, no other way to spin it. If you're a Chrisitian then I'm happy for you because your victory is not here on earth, but don't whine about your loss with this election. Understand that many more secular Michael Moores of the world, the ones who don't believe, the ones who don't want a moral compass for America are in your Democratic camp. That's why you lost. The central west, the midwest, the south, and the southeastern corridor don't want any part of the Democratic agenda. Loud and clear. This isn't the party of FDR anymore, it's the party of Michael Moore. Accept reality and deal. Your party wants nothing to do with the moral issues of our time, abortion, cloning, stem cell, outward faith in schools and workplaces...why you would side with that makes me wonder. Makes many others wonder also. I ask this question openly in my church and in public (with no good answer they readily admit!): If a candidate such as Kerry doesn't openly confess his faith, acts rather awkward when discussing it, mishandles biblical passages crudely when trying to convince, wants the good Lord ousted in schools and the workplace, votes against "religious-based" intiuatives time and time again...why would you good sound Christians want to carry his water and adversely affect your daily lives in faith? Bush confesses his faith in Jesus, yet you want to burn him at the political stake like a Salem witch. I've read these vile comments on this forum (not only you, many in your camp). You partake. Why? Nothing Christian whatsoever about them or their comments. And you actually went along with their venom when you don't combat filth and deception. The list of posters you agree with have stated everything from "Bush is Hitler" to "Bush wanted 911 to happen". Is that Christian? No. A Christian who will not support Christian candidates and values, maybe, needs to look inward at just why he or she believes in the first place. Who knows, maybe you just portray a Christian on the internet to make yourself feel less guilty over your beliefs. Who knows. Kerry may be a Christian man, as Clinton may be, as Carville may be, as Edwards may be, as Terry McCullough (sp?) may be...but they don't portray Christian men. Far, far from it. It's not part of their being. They never advance their faith first or EVEN SECOND OR THIRD. You have to dig for it and then they don't want to anger their athiestic base and throw out meaningless cliches and change the subject. Even Bush's harshest critics agree that he's an honest Christian man. His faith means something to him and he's not ashamed to speak about it. Your party has left you. Why don't you examine those around you? I bet, if you are the good Christian you say you are, that you have way more in common with the Republicans than you ever had with the Democrats.